software doPDF is a free PDF converter for both personal use and commercial . Using doPDF you can create PDF files by selecting the "Print" command from any application. Just a " Click " you can convert your documents as Microsoft Excel , Word , PowerPoint or email address and your favorite website to PDF .
PDF ConversiondoPDF installs as a virtual PDF printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list you . To convert to PDF , you just have to print the document to doPDF, the free pdf converter . Open a document ( with Microsoft Word , WordPad , Notepad or any other software ) , choose Print and select doPDF . When finished , it will ask you where to save the PDF file , the PDF file will automatically be opened by a program in your default PDF viewer . Photographs below show the easy steps to create a file PDFtu Microsoft Word (word to pdf ) .
The main benefits for using PDF converter software free :
- Completely free - PDF converter free for both commercial and personal use .
- Supports 32 - bit and 64 - bit - Can be installed on both Windows 32 - bit and 64 - bit .
- No GhostScript - does not require third-party programs to create PDF files such as GhostScript or . NET Framework . This makes the installation will be extremely small compared to the program to other free PDF converters .
- Customizable resolution - you can choose any resolution from 72 dpi to 2400 dpi .
- Predefined / custom page sizes - Choose the default page size ( Letter, Legal , A4 , A5 , A6 , ... ) or enter your own size .
- Search PDFs - you can search for text within the created PDF file ( and search engines will also index the text from the PDF ) .
- Multi-language - Select the language used for more than 20 languages are supported ( credits. )
- Make the planet - instead of consuming paper to use to print the document , why not create a PDF file to save the trees in order to protect the planet ?
- Small size - compared with the program to other free PDF converters , doPDF uses very little memory or CPU resources when doing the conversion to PDF .

Video guide to create PDF files with doPDF:
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